Hello and welcome to Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.
Above I have a pic of some Flea Market finds from this past summer. The pretty Victorian looking ones on the left I thought I would make their little baskets into a pincushion, they were probably made to hold flowers. The little girl with dog is so pretty, the detail in it is just incredible. I paid $1.00 for each one. The cute little box has a powder puff with powder still in it.
Above is a pretty little birthday planter that I purchased at the same Flea Market. I think that was $1.00 also.
Now it's pretty!!!!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by for Pink Saturday! It was so nice to visit with you. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, ours was wonderful! I'm getting my Christmas decorations out today and hope to do a few more posts this week with the last of Thanksgiving and start on some Christmas posts.
Have a great weekend and Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Shirl