Hello and welcome to Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of How Sweet the Sound. Thank you Beverly for hosting this fun event.
Today for my pink I'd like to show you this pretty oil lamp that bought last week. I had gotten some gift cards for Christmas so I headed out to my favorite antique mall to use them.

Next is a pretty cross stitch sampler that I found in the same antique store. I love this peaceful little scene. The silhouttes hanging above the fireplace are so cute. I love the pink tile around the fireplace and since I have a fireplace in my sewing room that I am redoing I'm gonna have to shop for some pink ceramic tile and have my husband make mine look just like this picture. He'll be so happy!!!! LOL

The frame is a little dark for me, I think I'm gonna paint it white and then put a pink wash over it.

Look how cute, I told you before that we have been feeding deer coming off the hill on the front side of our house. Look at this little guy looking through the picket fence at me. They know my husband feeds them when he gets home from work at 3:30 and they start coming up to the house around 3 and work their way over to the garage door and wait for it to open.
Oh Shirl sweetie...
I so love to come and see the deer as you have shared of them. They are just the most precious things. I love the way the one littl gal prances too, isn't that precious, and they little guy pearing around the garage as if to say, "Ms Shirl is he home yet?" I so love it.
Thank you for sharing your pink tho too. Love it. Sounds like DH is going to have some work ahead of him. We buy pink, and then they had to add something else pink for us to go along with it.
Have a beautiful Pink Saturday sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry
The lamp is so pretty. Happy Pink Saturday!!
Peek A Boo! Those deer are so smart to arrive for the afternoon feeding around 3:00 ish. Enjoy the Pink oil lamp. You deserve it. It is lovely.
Joyce M
I love the deer - how wonderful! We're trying to entice a robin, but it keeps getting scared away by wood pigeons and magpies.
Happy Pink Saturday, and Happy New Year!
It looks like you enjoyed your gift cards for the antique mall. I LOVE gift cards.
What cute photos of your hubby and the deer. Yes, the little prancing deer is cute.
Hope you have a great Pink Sat. Dana
What a lovely post.
Happy Pink Saturday
Beautiful, but you know how I feel about your home anyway, sugar. :-)
Dear Shirl, wonderful pinks you show us - and I love your deer-pictures (sooo sweet)!!!
Warm hugs from snowy Austria & happy Pink Saturday, Traude
I love the pinks you chose to share with us today. They are each lovely in their own way. I hope you have a great Pink Saturday.
Miss Shirl, I love all your pretty vignettes. Happy Pink Saturday to you, the pink oil lamp is beautiful. I think pink tile on your fireplace is a great idea! Oh, I love the deer pictures!
Hi Shirl; I so am in love with that Pink oil lamp... what a great find,, and the shoe you have my Mom had on like it,, wish I new where it went...:( the cross stitch is just amazing with such lovely detail... How lucky that you have a fire place in your sewing room.... and I just Love the photos of the deer how cute and pretty they are....
Happy Pink Saturday...
Happy Pink Saturday!
Great post, love deer. They are sweet creatures.
~ Gabriela ~
What a beautiful pink lamp. Those deer are so sweet. I wish I was close enough to come and share in their loveliness. Just adorable.
Very pretty - Happy Pink Saturday
Dear...What a deer post...and love the lamp! Happy Pink Saturday to you...
I ENJOYED my visit to your blog and seeing all your GREAT photos... I even made my hubby get off the couch and come see the deer photos!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love the photo of your husband feeding the deer. They are so sweet. Your oil lamp is lovely. Happy Pink Saturday!
We live a few blocks from the river and don't have any deers that visit us...could be the dogs...Love the photos of them.
Pretty pink treasures.
Happy weekend.
Deb :)
Hi Shirl,
West Virginia girl here just feelin so at home seeing the deer.
I love all your pretty pinks.
Happy Pink Saturday.
What a wonderful post, Shirl. I love your pink glass lamp and the cross stitch picture. Your fireplace will look gorgeous with pink tile surrounding it.
And Ohhh, the deer...they are so beautiful and their bearing so regal. God did good when He made them, huh? I'm so glad your DH and you feed them. Spike and Peek :)
Happy Pink Saturday~
p.s. I just looked again at your pink lamp and saw the white hobnail kitty shoe you've turned into a pin cushion, and the aqua with roses teacup and saucer (they're beautiful) and the pretty hankie and pink vintage earrings... so much prettiness in one little space.
And you even have a pink Christmas Tree I love it ! The deer feeding is so sweet, they can use a helping hand in the winter. I also loved that pink lamp, yes pink on the fireplace, why not lol..
I'm a day late and a dollar short☺ Was able to leave some messages for Pink Saturday yesterday and finishing up today. Over the holidays I was MIA from PS and really missed it but knew that I wouldn't be able to visit many blogs. I'm back today and must say that it feels so good to visit familiar places - like coming home again.
The lamp is gorgeous but as an animal lover, you know that Spike took my heart!
Today you made my little, pinkie ♥ smile. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely blog. Hoping this next week is filled with sunshine and the laughter of friends and family☺
Oh Shirl the deer pictures were so wonderful! How sweet to feed them! The lamp is so very pretty and cozy! Stay warm, were expecting 6 below tonite! Lori
Love that pretty pink lamp and the cross stitch, so pretty.
I'm in love with the deer too, such wonderful photos, and the little guy peeking around the garage is just so adorable. I would just sit and watch forever.
Happy Pink Saturday
♥ Teresa
Happy Pink Saturday, Shirl. Your new purchases are so pretty. I think your husband would love putting up the pink tile for you, too.
I am so enthralled by the deer. I told my family about it when you first shared with us, and I will have to show them these new pictures.
Good morning sweet Shirl, you are my first post of the day and it couldn't be more perfect. With a cup of tea in hand and no one home, so quiet, I want to wish you a Happy Pink Saturday and let you know that your post is fantastic. My mother in law loves to burn antique oil lamps. She gets her oil at Target and Walmart. It's always such a treat to sit and eat with her and see the lamps in action, such a pretty glow and beautiful to look at. I love the sampler too, it's amazing what people give up, you just know there must be history and a story there. Of course the deer are the best. Your pictures, esp the first one could be cards, they are beautiful. I would love to see that action each day and certainly never grow tired of feeding the wild. I hope and wish for more stories of the deer with lots more photos too. I will go off to click on the follow button just in case. Have a great week girlfriend, Char
Love your PINK goodies! And how much fun to live where you can see the wild. I think its so neat that you take care of your furry friends!
Have a blessed week and stay warm!
Happy Pink sat Mom,I love your pink oil lamp.Its so pretty.The cross stitch is just wonderful too.
Thank you for the bday party!I had a wonderful time and what a surprise from Bob that was the best.I was so happy to see him for a short time before he left.Love you,Jen
Hi Shirl! Remember me? You may not...I'm from KY. Well, Im back to blogging and just wanted to pop in and say Hi!
I think it great that you are feeding the deer. I hate to see animals suffer in the winter.
I visited your others blogs and loved all the homemade heart, mittens ...so cute. You are a talented lady.
I will be back to visit again As always Elaine
Thank you so much Shirl for the sweet compliments! It's good to here from you again...did you ever make it to Milton flea market? It burnt down, but they rebuilt it. I havent been since it reopened..hopefully me and the hubby will go this spring..
Shirl, LOVE the new pink lamp!! The cross-stitch is awesome, too! But the sweetest things today have to be the deer!!
I stopped by Jen's and learned of her sad news. Please give her big hugs for me, then swat her bottom for me as her bday spanking!!
Love you both,
Angelic Accents
Look at all the deer! Those pictures are priceless! I think you need to have the one peeking around the corner framed! I'm on my way over to "borrrow" your pink lamp! Wouldn't that be fun!
I love the pink oil lamp!! It is so pretty.
Pink Saturday is so much fun!!!
I love seeing all the beautiful pink pretties we all have!!
Hi Shirl,
That oil lamp just looks so beautiful. Someone has a lot of time in the pretty sampler.
Don't you just love it when the wildlife come to you. I really like to see deer, they are so curious and catch on quick.
Can you send me an email on some of your likes and dislikes. Do you like chocolate. What kind of drinks to you like. What kind of jewelry do you like? etc. I want to make sure I tuck the right things in your Valentine :)
Hope work is going well for you.
I love the oil lamp, it looks lovely in your vignette. Someone spent a lot of time on that cross stitch, what a great find. Love the deer! they are so beautiful... I don't know how people can kill such lovely creatures.
Hi Shirl
It's been some time, but I wanted to pop in and see how you are.
I love the photos of the deer. How great that you feed them!
And, I love all of your new pink - so sweet and romantic!
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Love your oil lamp!!!!Pretty pink
What a pretty pretty lamp!! I do love the cross stitch too. I used to do this all the time but I am not sure the ol eyes would let me now!
Love your pinks today! Thanks for sharing the pics of the deer too! How sweet!
Happy Pink Saturday,
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